Welcome to Goalunited Legends

This site is dedicated to the history of GoalUnited Legends Champions. It will have all League winners and runners up from season 50 for both the Floodlights and Swerve divisions. It has been split up into geographical areas for ease of navigation. With the awesome help from some managers, some past records have been made available (Primarily Poland, Germany, Austria & Switzerland) and will be posted over the coming weeks. 

Currently I am working on season 50 (26th February 2022) as a baseline. Between now and the end of the season break I am hoping to have each league on the site with season 50's winners, runners up & final table standings. Season 49 winners for the Floodlights league will also be issued. Once this has been completed the complete records for the 4 countries previous mentioned will be placed on the site.

If any manager has comprehensive records of their own leagues please get in touch.

I have been in touch with GoalUnited in regard to old winners and have had a very favourable response and they are looking into that possibility of the info being made available.

I am looking at issuing the International Masters Class 1 winners and possibly up to class 10.

I hope you find the site interesting. Please use the navigation bar at the top of the page to get around the blog, if viewing on your mobile use the 3 lines to get to the nav bar.

I am in the process of doing club manager interviews for each team that want to be involved.

Manager interviews are open for any manager from any league within Goal United Legends. If you would like a page about your team please drop me a message through the contact form or via the message system within the game.

Contact Bekki - Pioneer Girls



  1. This is really great! Thank you for taking the time to create this website and keeping it updated. Seems like you're incredibly passionate about goalunited which is so cool!

    1. Thank you for your lovely comment, yes love the game, love it even more when I can win this division 1 lol.

      I am looking to create a list of all League winners so managers can look back to see who has won what over the seasons. Only just started so its going to take a few weeks before everything is settled down and there is plenty of accurate content.

      If you let me know your team I'll get your team on the site.

      We are also looking at doing "Manager Interviews" mine has been posted, if you or any of your fellow managers would like yours posting, just answer the questions I have and send it over via the contact form or use the contact Bekki at the bottom of each page and I'll get it posted

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